Δραστηριότητες Template Details

Joomla! 2.5 & Joomla! 3.x Support

JSN Epic is natively compatible with both Joomla! 2.5 and Joomla! 3.x. The installation package is compatible with both Joomla CMS.

In Customer Area, you can choose to download appropriate installation file for the Joomla! version you are using.

Tree Menu

Tree Menu represents menu items in clear tree-like hierarchy, which is very appropriate for indexing menu. By default all submenu items are collapsed until you select the parent menu item.

To setup Tree Menu you just need to configure module parameter “Menu Class Suffix” appropriately and the menu system will take care of the rest.

Tree Menu with Rich Text

Tree Menu can present menu items with icons and descriptive text, pretty much like Main Menu.

To setup icons you need to configure menu items appropriately just like Main Menu. There are very detailed instructions in template documentation.

RTL Layout Support

All JoomlaShine templates are equipped with native RTL layout support. We spent huge amount of time tweaking every tiny details of the template to make it look absolutely awesome in RTL mode. Everything is horizontally-flipped including dropdown main menu and side menu.

RTL layout support

Painless Configuration

All JoomlaShine templates can be effortlessly configured by template parameters. In template setting page, you will find 16 template parameters arranged into logical groups for convenient operation.

Over 40 parameters to pick up

Set parameters without confusion

Most parameters are designed that way that you can simply select options without confusion about what value to define. All parameters are equipped with description text for easier understanding.

Parameters to control layout dimensions
Parameters to control layout dimensions

Multilingual Support

In our templates all wordings of both back-end and front-end are moved to separated language files, so you can easily translate them into any language you want.

Currently our templates support more then 10 languages and more to be come in future.

English support
German support
Dutch support
Italian support
Spanish support
French support
Japanese support
Danish support
Russian support
Polish support

Περισσότερα Άρθρα...

  1. Module Styles
  2. Menu Styles
  3. Main Menu
  4. Main content only