Introducing JSN Epic Template Details

Introducing JSN Epic

JSN Epic is polished, clean looking template designed mainly for corporate websites. Equipped with powerful features this template allows you to present content in whatever way you like. Super flexible layout, 3 menu styles and 4 modules styles under your management via convenient template parameters.

JSN Epic is distributed in 2 editions: Free and PRO. This website demonstrates JSN Epic Free edition. For full details about all template features, please download template documentation.

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Docs & Support


JSN Epic is equipped with very comprehensive documentation package that will help you with template utilization.

  • Configuration Manual

    This PDF document gives you detailed description of every template feature. You can print and use this document as a reference every time you want to configure your template. You also can watch our play list JoomlaShine Template Configuration.
  • Customization Manual

    This PDF document gives you easy-to-understand instruction how to customize template elements to make it suites you or your client. You also can watch our playlist JoomlaShine Template Customization.

Download documentation


When purchasing our products you are backed up with professional and timely support providing via:

  • Support Forum

    In the support forum we provide support for everyone who bought the PRO Edition of our products. Here you will get support from our support team as well as thousands of active members.
  • Dedicated Ticket Support

    Dedicated Ticket Support is for developers who bought PRO UNLIMITED Edition of our products. With ticket support we can investigate the issue in-depth and provide a solution much faster. 12-hour response time is guaranteed.

    One more great benefit is that we provide support for all questions related not only to the product, but also to your Joomla! configuration.

Easy to Start

One of the fastest and easiest ways to learn template is to install sample data and start playing with it. JSN Epic provides unique mechanism of installing sample data directly on your current website. Just few steps and the demo website is here.

Step 1. Setup sample data

Go to template settings page and click button "Get started".

Run sample data installer

There are 2 options for you to choose: Install sample data directly on your site or download the quickstart package and use it as standard Joomla site.

Download sample data package

The installation process would start instantly and you would get the website in less than a minute.

Step 2. Read template documentation and start playing

Run sample data installer

Done! Just 2 simple steps and you have sample data installed.

Now it's time to read documentation and play with the template. You can download documentation package for free.